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Monday, January 09, 2006


We've recently found out that we will no longer be going to Miesau Army Depot in Germany and James will no longer (at least as of now) be an Ammo Officer in the Ordinance branch. We are however still going to Germany, now it's to a place called Vogelweh. I'm not sure that's spelled right, anyways we think it's an Air Base instead of and Army Post (post is what the army calls their bases). James is now going to be a Maintenance Officer when we get there, so his job changed on him and he was told that it could change again before he actually gets there and is actually doing it. Figures. He wasn't really surprised when he got the news, just a little disappointed but then he thought about it and figured it's where God wants him and he's also never done either job real time before so it may be a blessing in disguise.

Now let's see, Vogelweh is I think just more west than Miesau was, it's still in the southern part of Germany and still in the K-Town community. K-town is what all the Americans call that part of Germany (basically its German/America from what we've been told), it has an actual name but I don't know how to spell it so yea. Also James sent me this great site made by one of the spouses that lives over there. It has all kinds of information on it and pictures and such, I'm going to add a link to it so you guys, if nothing else, can check out some of the pictures and see some of the stuff we'll be living near! Cool stuff! that's the link definitely check out the area photos and the off base housing photos! Well that's all she wrote for now!


Anonymous said...

Wow, too kule, are you jazzed or what ??!! I love, ya!

Anonymous said...

that was yer mama b4 NOT anonymous, who IS that person anyway?!

Leah said...

Ya we are very jazzed! And I just found out that we are flying out of Atlanta on the 9th of Feb! How crazy is that!! In less than a month we'll be in Germany!!! YAY! And of course not so yay 'cause we'll miss our family and friends but still, it is kinda cool. :-D

Amber said...

Don't leave!!

Anonymous said...

You deleted my cornholio post... >:-()

Anonymous said...

It's time for a blast from the past!
Picture 1 - 1989
Picture 2 - 1989

Leah said...

I didn't know it was your cornholio post, I didn't know who it was for that matter, thus I deleted it! That's how it works...:-) but I'm sorry now that I know it was yours J.

Wow, those are some old pictures!! And I look scary in both of them! Hahaha oh well...