This was a cool door that James and I really liked in the Forum, it was attached to a building of course but I don't know the name of it...go figure right!

That building that's behind us and to the right a little, next to the building with the collums, was the cool door building...we are sitting on some of the random ruins that are all over the Forum.
Aww, us with the Colosseum in the back ground and some random guy.
Me attempting to be "cute" as we take a sneaky photo of the Roman Guards in the background so we didn't have to pay them!

This is also in the Forum, yep you guessed it, next to the cool door building! James has a good eye! Anyways, enjoy!
I like the pic of the gladiators. schneaky, schneaky! they definitely rip you off if you get close to them.
yea, some of them even asked us if we wanted to take pictures with them!
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