Here are a couple of pictures from our trip to Trier a few months ago...the run down looking structure is Constantine's Roman Bath from the outside, you can actually see it from the road, there is also a picture of James and me in front of it (we have better pictures but we haven't scanned them yet...). The hall way pic and the pic with the grayish, black structure on the left are from the Porta Nigra (The Black Gate). Then there is another random one of James and me, I think we were in front of the palace gardens or something...Like I said we have more pics from Trier (these were taken with our video camera) but we haven't scanned them in, a project for me this week! Anyways, enjoy the pics, YAY!
WOW I love the pix from the black gate, both of them but esp the second one!! Awesome job. Looking forward to the next batch! Love & miss you both!
LOVE the pics. You two look great too. I'm with the mama on the second pic of the Black Gate. Very good shot and well balanced. I haven't decided if I like it better than the hall shot above it though. The hall shot is also very well balanced and has very good contrast. In my opinion, they are both worth framing and hanging.
miss yas more then you can know!
Look at you two!! Oh man, we miss you guys. But it looks like you are doing well dealing with being over there with all the wicked cool places! The pics are great, However, the pic that I think is MOST wall worthy is the ones of you both together. We love you!!
hey girl, i love these pics! :-)
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